Todd Jackson, JD MBA
Todd Jackson, JD MBA
Buying or selling a business will likely be the single largest transaction of your life. A successful transaction will require effective negotiation, proper deal structure, and the know-how to make sure you make it to the finish line – CLOSING. Understanding the importance of each of these is essential for your desired outcome. So, this begs the question: Why would you hire just a salesperson to handle the biggest transaction of your life? You shouldn’t. You need a business broker that has decades of negotiating, structuring, and CLOSING business transactions.
Todd Jackson, the founder of Beacon Business Brokers, Inc., has spent the last 24 years representing buyers and sellers of businesses as their legal counsel. With thousands of transactions and billions of dollars in closed deals, Todd has the experience to handle anything that may come up in your business transaction. Todd understands business in general and, more importantly, he understands the specifics of YOUR business. With that knowledge he is prepared for what it will take to get your deal closed. Many families and business owners have put their financial futures in Todd’s capable hands. Todd Jackson has called Nashville home for 20 years and has practiced law for over 24.
Todd Jackson received his Law degree and his MBA from Wake Forest University. Todd decided early in his career that business transactions require mastery of not only the law, but also business. When you have Todd represent you in your business purchase or sale, you get the benefit of his MBA, his Law Degree, and his extensive experience, giving you a distinct advantage that most people rarely get. Why settle for less? Todd is a fierce advocate for his clients, providing a personal hands-on approach. He fights hard for his clients in negotiations, but you’ll find him easy to talk to and you will appreciate his ability to handle your information with sensitivity and compassion.
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